Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dragon Quest IX Quick Impressions

After some serious debating on my part, I decided to spend some money we didn't have and buy Dragon Quest IX yesterday. I've been a fan of the genre since the original Dragon Warrior on the NES, even though I can admit to not having played every iteration, due to time constraints, money constraints, or both. My favorite entry into the series which I've experienced is Dragon Warrior 4, now available as Dragon Quest 4 on the DS. I've been in a bit of a gaming funk as of late, and reading reviews and impressions of the game made me think that this could be just what I needed pick me up again.

So far, I was right. Even with the necessary and welcome changes to the tried and true mechanics (no more random battles, yay!) that could have altered my perception after all of these years, playing this game has felt...right. The use of familiar creature designs, sound effects and music make this the gaming equivalent of Norm walking into Cheers, or what I imagine that woman feels from those cheesy '80s commercials as she slips into the Calgon bubble bath. It's just where I was meant to be, and I hope the feeling doesn't end.

Now all I have to do is find enough time to play consistently, and life will be good. :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Deathspank Trailers

This is a game that really looks like it could be a lot of fun. I hadn't paid any attention to this until watching a couple of trailers. I'm intrigued by the sense of humor showcased in the trailers, and the game's genre is right up my alley (appears to be like Diablo/Torchlight). It comes out on XBLA on Wednesday, and should provide a nice distraction to the incredible heatwave here on the East Coast.

Popping Back In

It's been quite some time since I left any words of wisdom here, my personal little corner of the Internets. Lots of factors have played into this LONG absence, in no particular order:

- Our basement flooded, and the damage and resulting insurance claim have yet to be resolved. I didn't have access to my home PC for 4-5 weeks.
- Work became incredibly busy for an extended period, but has since settled back into a more manageable routine.
- We went through the agony of sleep-training our 7-month old daughter, which (while nearly settled into some semblance of normalcy) really threw the house and everyone in it for a loop. Thank goodness that's nearly done...
- I found myself more and more tired at night when I would sit down to write, and every time I thought about coming here to post, I'd choose sleep.

...And so on. The list of pathetic excuses could be far longer, but I don't want to whine for the entire post (just most of it). On the upside, there have been a lot of good things that have happened in the time since I last wrote, which are too numerous to mention here. I'm not going to go crazy and promise to anyone, myself included, that this will become a regular occurrence, but this is the first stab at picking up this whole writing thing again. There were many times I missed being able to share my thoughts and feelings with all 3 of you who might realize this exists, hopefully you'll come back to hear more.

Consider this post an apology to anyone who cares that I was gone, and the attempt to start the regular posting again. Because this post was essentially an impulse followed and not ignored, it's going to be short for this evening. Some of the rest of my conscious time tonight will be spent putting together a list of post topics to pick from when inspiration escapes me. So to those of you out there reading this, thanks for coming back and I look forward to seeing you here again soon.