Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Gamespite Quarterly Issue #2

Just received my copy of Gamespite Quarterly Issue #2 from FedEx today. I've only gotten through the first couple of games so far, but it's clear I'll be reading this until it's finished. Not sure what I'm more interested in: their comments on games I'm familiar with, or learning about games I've never tried before.

It was a decent end to a long day. It seems like every day I go to work, a new project is dropped on my plate. While I really look forward to working on all of these different jobs, I'm running out of work time in the day to get everything done. All in all, it's shaping up to be an extremely busy September. On the upside, the fact I'm busy translates to job security (I think).

1 comment:

he and she reviews said...

that seems like a very interesting magazine. maybe I'll get it. ^_^

haha job security, i thought i had that too, which i guess i do a little bit since i still have a job but with lay offs left and right i'm not feeling so secure. ^_^