Friday, September 11, 2009

TGI Flippin' F

This week couldn't have ended soon enough. Several nights of working until 10, my lovely daughter deciding that sleep was optional for her, and the fact that I suffered with a random night of complete insomnia makes me hope, nay pray, that this weekend is quiet and restful.

Oh wait, I have 19-month old twins. Scratch that. Let the chaos begin! :)

There will hopefully be a moment or two where I can get back to fighting crime in Arkham Asylum. I'm itching to beat a bunch of anonymous thugs senseless, or string them up from a gargoyle, or something like that. You get the picture. It's been hard working so much, knowing that the game is just sitting, lonely and unloved, in my 360. Soon we will be together again, just a few more hours...

On the upside, at least the large amount of time devoted to work allowed me to 'make some hay' in the large backlog of billable project work staring at me. It also seems that I'll be transitioning into more of a project lead, while supervising the work of at least one or two other people. Could be interesting, could be terrifying. Only time will tell, but it feels like the right move considering the direction my career is going.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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