Thursday, December 3, 2009

Family +1

It's been some time since I posted here, mostly because of the birth of our third child, Emily Michelle. She's a wonderful, healthy little lady, but she seems to enjoy the nightlife a bit much. Since I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately, and can't seem to get the dull ache behind my eyes to go away, sitting down to write hasn't been a high priority. Soon I'll get back into a more regular (if I ever was regular, ha) posting schedule.

I can say, without hesitation, that Emily is a wonderful addition to the Grant clan, and there is one very proud big sister in the house, willing and eager to help in whatever way she can. Isabelle loves her sister, and is proving to be quite the mommy's little helper. Nick, on the other hand, thinks his new little sister is ok, but is a bit disappointed she doesn't have wheels (his favorite things in the whole world being cars of all kinds).

That's all for now, but I'll be back to my uninteresting babble about games and such soon.

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