Friday, January 1, 2010


It had been bouncing around in my head as a personal challenge to try to post every day for the month of January. At some point in the past year, I had read that this is a great way to condition yourself to writing daily, and that by forcing yourself to post, even the most mundane items, would form a habit. By forming this habit, removing one of the obstacles to writing, and hopefully gaining some valuable practice writing in the processthe theory holds that better material will follow.

While I was seriously contemplating this, I was alerted to National Blog Posting Month, or NaBloPoMo, in a post by a blogger who I follow (thanks, Dark Sakura!). Since there's a movement and a group of people dedicated to try to do exactly what I was considering independently, it seems like a sign that I should give it a shot. What you're reading right now is the beginning of this effort.

I know, I know, it's not exactly awe inspiring, is it? What do you expect from an engineer with no formal English, journalism or writing experience? I'm going to do my best to stick with this little exercise and stretch my writing a bit. You'll still be seeing a lot of video game related items here, but there should also be some other topics sprinkled in here and there, just to liven things up. One goal I've set for myself is to improve my vocabulary. Since I'm apparently an (ahem) adult, whether I want to be or not, it only seems wise to expand on the small base of words I know and spruce things up a bit.

That's all for now. It's getting close to the time where I turn into a pumpkin, and the kids are going to be up at 7am, whether I'm ready for them or not. For all of you out there in the same endeavor, best of luck to you, and I hope to join you all successfully at the end of the month!

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