One morning, I looked out the window of the home where I'm staying this week, and this was the sight that greeted me:

A beautiful winter landscape stretched out before me. The sky was overcast, the air was thick with falling snow, and a silence hung over everything. In all of my frantic running around, taking care of children, working to put food on the table, and enjoying the wonders technology has to offer, I had forgotten what quiet really is. Looking out over the newly-fallen snow, I took a deep breath and soaked in the scene.
This picture now serves as the wallpaper on my work laptop, in the hopes that when things are at their most frantic, when I feel like my head is going to explode, I can look at the picture and try to recapture in my head the feeling of peace that engulfed me on that day. It may only be a pipe dream, but if it can help me just once through a day or period of chaos, then it will have all been worth it.
I'll end tonight with a quote that struck me today, found on the Answers.Com Twitter account...
"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." - Maya Angelou
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