Thursday, September 25, 2008

Humble Beginnings

Well, here it is. My attempt to join the blogosphere, well behind the curve. This blog is meant to capture my thoughts, opinions, observations, whatever I want to write about. I enjoy a lot of different things, from sports to video games and (in no small measure) my growing family. I started this blog to document the things that rattle around in my head, and also to find my writing voice. What is my style? Who do I appeal to? What can I do to make my writing more appealing? The goal is to answer these questions, and many more, while along the way hopefully providing some small measure of entertainment to you, the reader of my blog. Here's to hoping that you'll stick around and maybe leave a comment once in a while.

Being an engineer with a demanding day job (let's step back for a moment here, who doesn't have a demanding day job?) and the extremely proud father of 8-month old twins (Nick and Isabelle, the most amazing creation of my life, bar none), I'm not sure how regularly I'll be able to post. The goal in my head right now is to fall into some semblance of a schedule, but honestly I don't know how it's going to shake out right now. I'm not going to sweat it and let things happen organically. Who knows, maybe some of the great ideas I have rattling around in my head will find their way to this space.

So with all of that said, sit back and enjoy the musings of someone who probably shouldn't have the license to write.

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