Monday, September 29, 2008

The Perfect Christmas Gift (for Me, Anyway)

If I ever were to get this under the tree, I would be the happiest nerd out there. For the past year or so, my parents have been giving me Lego sets for Christmas and birthdays, as a way to keep me feeling like a kid. Even though I'm 32 with kids of my own, for some reason they get a kick out of watching me dig into the freshly opened box and put together a Lego set from scratch. Let me tell you, the Lego Death Star would take more than one sitting. The amount of detail and cool touches they've crammed into the set is amazing, and it would be something that I would make permanent as a display in my home. What a great way to display your nerd cred!

3,800 Piece Death Star Diorama Is Coolest Star Wars Lego Ever (Gizmodo)

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