Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fallout 3 (some more)

Revisited my on again, off again relationship with Fallout 3 this week. For some reason, no matter how many times I think that I'm finished with this game, the siren song of unexplored areas calls me back. This time it was to fully explore the Point Lookout map. In completing the main storyline of the game, I basically followed the yellow brick road and bypassed the tantalizing arrows for new locations on the compass. The ridiculous enemy difficulty (seriously, how many hillbilly mutants that look like they watched way too much "Deliverance" can take multiple plasma rifle shots to the head without going down? Geez...) turned me off to just wandering around the map, seeing what there was to see. After a few weeks away, I got the itch to give it another shot...

This time I loaded for bear. Realizing that I was saving the condition of all the uber powerful special weapons for nothing, I grabbed the gauss rifle and the Fat Man, and made the trek through the swamp. I wished I'd grabbed a screenshot of the pair of creeper legs that were left upright and minus the rest of the body after a near-direct mini-nuke hit. And, exploring some of my relatively newfound sneaking abilities, I discovered that I could blast apart creepers with one sniper shot from a gauss rifle while hidden. i can't imagine what was going through their minds as their buddies vaporized around them. "Gee, uh, um...Doh!"

It's probably an inevitability that I'll get Mothership Zeta at some point, once the call of the completionist draws me in once more, but for the time being, Fallout 3 is safely back in the recesses of my interests.

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