Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gaming Pet Peeve (Fixed Save Points vs. Save Anywhere)

While starting Lost Odyssey this evening, I was confronted by one of the most irritating gaming conventions that I can think of: a save point. As a responsible adult and one that often has to abandon my gaming at odd times, having to make a set amount of progress before I can save my game is aggravation. With today's modern systems and forgiving game styles, why does this exist anymore?

As an example of the opposite of this, I recently started up a game of the Final Fantasy remake on the PSP. While the original game allowed you to save only at inns, and only if you had the money to stay at the inn, the remake allows you to save anywhere. Admittedly, this could create a slightly easier experience, as anyone so inclined could save every few steps and reload whenever a battle doesn't go their way. But for me, who often has just a few minutes to game before being called to do some random chore or another, the ability to save anywhere encourages me to play more. I don't have to worry about losing any progress because I have to leave in a hurry. I can just save and come back later.

Just a random observation...Do any of you feel the same way?

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