Monday, August 3, 2009

What I Did This Weekend (in checklist form)

Let's see...

- Play Bookworm Adventures, Volume 2 demo. Check. (Seriously considering buying this)

- Patch PC version of Fallout 3, so it doesn't crash every time I close out the game. Check.

- Inspired by release of Mothership Zeta on Monday, finish Fallout 3: Broken Steel DLC. Check.

- Download and start Fallout 3: Point Lookout DLC. Check.

- Spend time with wife and kids. Check. By far the highlight of the weekend.

- Foist kids off on their aunt and uncle (to go see farm animals) and spend a nice quiet lunch with wife. Check.

- Assemble used plastic jungle gym for kids, and discover strong animal urine smell. Check. (Note to self: clean jungle gym after work on Monday)

- End the weekend by getting puked on by overtired, overexcited 18-month old. Check.

All in all, a good weekend!

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